The Best Wedding Photography is Not Just the Postcard

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The Best Wedding Photography is Not Just the Postcard


There are a variety of reasons why wedding photography in Singapore is among the most expensive in the world. The weather in Singapore is also one of its major drawbacks. It is mostly rainy season. Singapore is a very small country with a small territory. And so the need to have a huge space in the place of reception has forced photographers to come up with innovative ideas.


wedding photography




Singapore wedding photography follows the international wedding photography lines. But the leading photographers here follow the Singapore method of streamlining the event and reducing the number of photographers,while treating the whole event as a great art work. For instance,the pre-ceremony photography is done by just two people. Then there is a group portrait where the entire group is featured. And finally there is live streaming video with a lot of transitions,music and effects.




In spite of such technological advances there are many aspects that photographers in Singapore must keep in mind to get the best result for the wedding photography in Singapore. They have to keep these points in mind: Professionalism – the photographer needs to look professional not only in terms of his or her attire but also in the selection of props. The same goes for the post-ceremony photography. Portrayals must be under surveillance. And the use of colour is limited to the minimal. Photographers also stick to the traditional wedding photography methods of using flash,avoiding complex photo-shooting techniques,and maintaining a very steady shutter speed.




So the key to a really good acutal day wedding photography is ensuring that there is continuity in the photography. That means the photographer should concentrate on the whole event rather than just the gown. This is a delicate task because too much focus means losing some of the impact of the gown. At the same time,too little focus and too much focus can mean a cluttered look. A couple has to decide what they want to be seen as in the picture and then work within those parameters to ensure that all the pieces come together to create the best wedding photography.




Digital photography has made it easy for couples to share their message with everyone who is able to see it. This is one aspect that pre-wedding photography cannot address. A lot of time,money and effort go into the actual day of the wedding. It`s just not possible to take the whole day to capture the messages that need to be shared with the family and friends.




If you are concerned that you might have to use streaming video on your wedding website,you have plenty of options. However,it`s not wise to be lax about it. Remember that the goal is to share the message with your guests in the form of photos and videos. If the streaming video comes at the end of the ceremony or at the very end,make sure that the people who are watching get to know what the wedding photography has to say about the day`s proceedings before moving forward. That`s the way to make sure that people who are watching really get the important messages about the wedding photography.


